The music contained on Blut, Milch Und Thränen was recorded considerably unconventionally as two separate tracks, which have been subdivided into a number of actions to correspond with the album’s gripping narrative. With regard to this narrative, Kvelgeyst recounts the story of an alchemist, beset by visions that leads him to seek for an adept who in flip shall function the sufferer in a sinister ritual, hoping to realize unio mystica. Initially, he’s happy, as he discovers an adept quickly sufficient within the gutters. Regrettably for him, nevertheless, he’s lastly confronted with the conclusion that he has fatally misinterpreted his visions, and it’s not he who sacrifices the adept in his pursuit of revelation, however reasonably he should function the sacrificial lamb in ritual slaughter, thus enabling the adept to realize unio mystica. This, in flip, drives the adept into utter insanity, rendering him freed from all his senses and forcing him to the gutters from whence he emerged.
01. Bruder Der Schlangen, Geselle Der Eulen
Stufe I: Von Blitzartiger Wucht In Visionen Getaucht
Stufe II: In Der Galgenvögel Gossen
Stufe III: Purpur besiegelter Schwur
02. Abstieg Zum Thronwagen
Stufe IV: Angstrad, Gallentrank
Stufe V: Hauptraub Durch Klingenhieb
Stufe VI: Zum Garstig’ Bettelvolk Zurückgetrieben